Sophomores or Juniors who took the PSAT’s back in October received their test scores in advisory, Jan. 9.
The PSAT is the preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test. The test is a standardized test administered by the College Board. Approximately 3.5 million students take the test each year.
Julia Fikse’19, shares her thoughts on why taking the test better prepares you for the future.
“I thought it was very challenging yet helpful to prepare for the real thing,” Fikse said. “I think taking the test as a sophomore will help improve my scores for the upcoming years.”
Throughout the semester students will be given the chance to retake the test and are also given the option to take classes to prepare them for the SAT’s. Any questions about test dates or test prep can be answered by academic advisor Michelle Warkentin or Reggie Williams.
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