Music echoes down the streets of suburbia as student garage bands practice to compete in Battle of the Bands. Anticipation appears to be building as the opportunity to showcase hidden musical talents finally arrives.
?We practiced a lot on Sunday,? Phil Unruh, ?07, said, ?Until we got yelled at by my friends neighbor who wanted to sleep.?
Battle of the bands begins at 7 PM on Oct. 10 in Ground Zero. Admission is $5 and includes snacks and a beverage.
With six bands competing, the entertainment is sure to be varied. Underground campus garage bands are beginning to generate enthusiastic audiences.
?I?m looking forward to hear Jason Damm (?06) sing,? Andrea Munoz, ?06, said. ?I was listening to Clark?s Cousin?s CD and did not recognize his voice.?
In the upcoming battle, bands compete for a grand prize of $200. The prize money is set up to help bands better their music through equipment.
?If we won we?d probably buy a new distortion pedal and more mikes for the band,? Seth Lane, ?06, said.
?It would be cool to win,? Unruh said. ?Making $200 is better than $0.?
One of the featured bands is Clark?s Cousin, made up of Lane, seniors Damm, Brandon Cain and junior Nathan Weis. This alternative rock band claims originality with space-like flavors.
Local alternative bands Stoneshiver and Rendition also play tonight. Munoz encouraged these bands to participate.
?Even though this crowd may be smaller than they are used to,? Munoz said. ?They only care that people hear their music.?
Other campus participants are Mike Prentice, ?08, and his band Through the Glass; Bryce Fonda, ?06, and his friends; Unruh?s band includes his friends from his youth group.
?I love playing music, and having fun on stage,? Unruh said, ?and not caring if people think we sound like Creed.?
The concert event kicks off the 2005 homecoming week. It coincides with the first day?s theme, rock star dress up day. Students are able to fulfill their long desires of imitating their favorite rock superstars.
The Battle of the Bands event hopes to excite the student body about the week of festivities. It is a opportunity to hang out with friends and listen to some great tunes. The evening begins at 7 P.M. in Ground Zero.