Staffers experience mouth-watering pizza, sights of New York

Once again The Feather Online embarks on a weeklong adventure to New York City, March 11-18. After hopping on a bus headed north bound to San Francisco, March 11, students chatted about events planned for the week.
Although the week consisted of many tourist activities, staffers were more importantly headed to the 93rd annual CSPA Conference.
Upon arriving at San Francisco International Airport, Feather staffers explored shops and vendors at the terminal. During a three-hour wait period, students entertained themselves by eating snack items and striking poses on moving escalators. When the clock struck 11:20 p.m. and a flight attendant’s voice rang in the intercom, The Feather group lined up at the door ready to board.
With seat belts fastened, students placed on sleeping masks in an attempt to fit in a few hours of sleep on the plane ride before waking up to spring time as well as East Coast time. Outside the windows, a welcoming hue of yellow awoke passengers, signaling that the flight was coming to an end.
As soon as the group stepped from the plane, March 12, at 8:50 a.m., the brisk chill of east coast weather began to sink in. With an estimated broadcast of 25+-degree weather for the week, it was sure something that Californians would have some adjustment to make.
Blue Super Shuttle dropped the students off at the Hotel Edison, which is placed at 47th Street just off of Broadway and Times Square, students checked in and dropped off suitcases. Stomachs of students grumbled, begging for relief, which lead to a quick stop at McDonalds.
Next, the group headed to the underground to purchase week-long metro tickets to use when traveling around NY. Today’s plan was to enjoy a few hot slices of Brooklyn’s “best pizza” at Grimaldi’s, and walk the Brooklyn Bridge on the way back to Manhattan. A few subway stops later and students arrived at Brooklyn, with the only thought of pizza in mind.
After a few minutes of waiting in weather reported down to 17 degrees Fahrenheit, a couple of groups were guided to tables in the warm lobby. Large pepperoni pizzas were ordered and parents and students devoured the once filled pizza pans. When stomachs were satisfied, the group walked over the bridge with cameras in hand, capturing the city and waters around it.

Once faces began to feel numb to the cold with feet exhausted from walking nearly 11 miles, it was time to rest for an hour back at the hotel. An hour later after a power nap was fit in, the group assembled together and headed to Wollman Rink in Central Park.
Students and chaperones finished off the evening with some skating under the city lights. Many hours later, after traveling around with little to no sleep over the first 30 hours of the trip, the group was tuckered out and eager to hit the pillow.
Already after the first day, staffer Mariana Fikse has created many memories and looks forward to the different places that The Feather plans to visit.
“This is my first time ever being in New York,” Fikse said. “This whole day has been amazing because I am finally getting to see all these famous landmarks that I have seen on TV or in movies. The size of the skyscrapers and of the city itself is way bigger than I had imagined. I can’t wait for the rest of the trip.”
Chaperone Rhonda Clem joined The Feather staff this year on their trip to NY.
“This is my first trip to New York and the buildings were more beautiful than I even expected,” Clem said. “Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, learning to use the subway and eating New York style pizza with a group of fantastic kids was an excellent way to begin my stay in NY. Another special memory was watching out team skate across the ice in Central Park encouraging one another and laughing with one another on this very chilly but beautiful night.”
Stay tuned for more daily updates about The Feather’s activities during the week.
Slideshow pictures included images from day 1 of #FeatherTakesNYC 2017
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This writer can be reached via Twitter: @jennypenny8835.
Trevor Trevino • Mar 13, 2017 at 11:04 am
I’m so jealous. Great job doing FC underground Phil. You’re a natural.