While college plans seem years away, careers are often created in the mind long before college begins. While many high schoolers know the importance of what the future has in store for them, yet still do not provide much thought to their plans.
Understandably many of the students in the freshman class are not too concerned with out-of-high school careers.
?I didn?t know what I wanted to be when I was a little kid,? Tyler Graham, ?09, said. ?I still don?t know!?
Many of the freshmen have a similar idea about the future but believe there is still a lot of time for planning.
?I?m just not going to worry about college just yet,? Anthony Johnson, ?09, said.
Other freshmen seem a bit more organized.
?I wanted to be an attorney when I was younger,? Kayla Dones, ?09, said. ?And that?s still what I want to do.?
Members of the sophomore class find themselves in a similar position to the freshman class and are adjusting their childhood ambitions.
?I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid,? Zak Marsh, ?08, said. ?But I?ve pretty much given up on that now.?
Some simply do not consider their careers much yet.
?I?ve just never even thought about it!? Sara Martins, ?08, said.
For many of the juniors, the thought of college and a career is more serious with the senior year looming.
?I changed my mind a lot when I was little,? Annie Spees, ?07, said. ?But I?ve decided that I want to be a dentist now, I?m sure about it.?
Even if not certain, most juniors have a rough idea, at very least.
?In elementary school I had no idea what to do when I got older,? Kyle Brewer, ?07, said. ?But I want to play soccer professionally now.?
For seniors, it is important that they know where they?re going in the future and many already have a plan.
?I?m an indecisive person,? James Brown, ?06, said. ?But it?s too late to not know what to do. I?m pretty interested in video productions class right now.?
However, with college applications due in early spring, it is also something that seniors must decide about.
?I?m most definitely going to college,? Kelsey Boogusch, ?06, said. ?I?ll probably end up going into some sort of retail, though.?
According to Fresno State University?s website, it is important for aspiring college students to make a collegiate plan.
?It is imperative that you meet with you major advisor or special program advisor each semester to determine if you are enrolled in the appropriate courses? We recommend that you see your advisor at lease once a semester prior to registration of the following semester.?
For more information on what is needed to prepare for college, visit www.csufresno.edu or call Academic Enhancement Services at (559) 278-1787.