Dear editor:
When I first found Brianna Stobbe’s March 2 article, “Cheer Stunts to Third Place” on the Feather website, I was excited to learn more about the cheer squad’s competition.
I enjoyed learning what hard work and dedication went into being on the team. I especially liked hearing the girls’ views on this year’s varsity squad. I also appreciated the work that went into researching this article.
One thing I disliked about this article was that there was not more description of the stunts they did. I always like hearing what exactly the girls are doing in their routines, like a torch or a scorpion. But, I know that some just wouldn’t know what the names of the stunts the girls do, and that’s okay.
This was a great article, but I would love it if it was accompanied with a video of the performance. I was thrilled when I saw their performance at Nationals on tape, and I was hoping it would be the same with their other competitions.
Apart from that, I loved this article. Cheer is so interesting-I hope you do more articles on it in the future!
Thank you for what you have already done.