Fashion can often make a powerful impact. It is a form of artistic expression that reflects our personality and interests. It makes an immediate impression. With fashion, we often DO judge the book by its cover, for good or for bad.
Whether you’re ambivalent about fashion or find it to be frivolous, your clothing says something about you. How you dress – no matter what your personal style – sends a message. Fashion communicates something.
This was evidenced recently by the Golden Globe Awards. Actresses and women in the entertainment industry, as well as many actors/men, almost across the board, decided to wear all-black to the awards show to make a statement. They chose to wear black to protest harassment and gender inequality in Hollywood. As a result, the red carpet was a sea of black. Point made.
Or was it?
A movement like this definitely sends a message of solidarity and unity. But does it actually change anything? Did wearing black that evening effect any real change to the horrific scandals in the entertainment industry? Maybe it got people talking. Maybe it drew attention to the cause. Maybe it’s a start.
Maybe boycotting the event would have made a greater impact.
In fashion, there is often a statement piece – an item of clothing or an accessory that people notice first about your outfit. It may be thigh-high leather boots or bold fringe earrings or a fur coat. It’s something unique and bold and eye-popping that truly makes your look stand out from the rest.
But when you need to make a real statement, clothing is not enough. You need to use the brain and the mouth God gave you to speak up. SPEAK UP. Wearing an anti-bullying t-shirt is fine, but it means nothing if you witness bullying and don’t say a word.
It’s the same with any cause you believe in. Yes, dressing to support the cause is a good thing, but it’s a passive act. And it’s not enough. We need to get our hands dirty – join a group, do the work, fight the fight, spread the word, donate our money and time – if we want to see real change happen.
If the Lord puts something on your heart and opens your eyes to a need, don’t hold back. Certainly, dress the part, but also DO your part. That will make a real statement.
~ Silva
For my last blog, read Style Session No. 9 – Ultra Violet 2018
Macy Little • Feb 22, 2018 at 8:07 am
Love it!
Silva Emerian • Feb 23, 2018 at 9:00 am
Thank you, Macy! I appreciate it!