Annabelle Counts, ’23, (left) and Avery Jones, ’20, are one of many high school and JH girls to gather for today’s Sister to Sister on-campus lunch, Jan. 23.
Older and younger sisters embrace to opportunity to bond and learn through this mentorship program.
Junior Macie Thompson enjoys seeing how God works through this mentorship program and continues to grow her relationship with her little sister. After having such a positive experience when she was in JH, Thompson felt called to be an older sister.
“I joined Sister to Sister in 7th grade when I was a little sister,”Thompson said. “I became a Big Sister when I joined my sophomore year! I wanted to join Sister to Sister because when I was a younger sister, I enjoyed learning all sorts of things from my sister and wanted to do the same for the girl I got paired up with. I also wanted to help them grow in their faith and help them in their walk with God. I would encourage those who are’t in Sister to Sister to join because it allows you to teach young girls to love themselves and it helps them to know that they will always have someone to come to no matter what. What I have enjoyed most about this year is getting to pour in the love of our Father to my younger sister Skylar Higenbotham. I love the passionate talks that we have during our lunches about how amazing our God is. I truly love this program because i can see God working through it and using it to reach so many lovely girls and i am so blessed to be a part of it.”
Sister to Sister has been a part of FC since 2004 and has continued to grow, with a total amount of 40 younger sisters and 35 older sisters.
The program’s schedule for this semester is as follows,
Older Sister Training, room 627, Jan. 9.
Off Campus Lunch, Jan. 16.
On Campus Lunch, room 626/628, Jan. 23.
Older Sister Training, room 627, Feb. 6.
Off Campus Lunch, Feb. 20.
On Campus Lunch, room 626/628, Feb. 27.
Older Sister Training, room 627, March 6.
Off Campus Lunch, March 13.
On Campus Lunch, room 626/628, March 20.
Older Sister Training, room 627, April 10.
Off Campus Lunch, April 17.
On Campus Lunch, room 626/628, April 24.
End of Year Luncheon (Lunch Provided), Room 626/628, May 15.
If you have any questions or can not make it to a meeting, contact Sister to Sister leader Katie Reneau.
Slideshow below includes images from Sister to Sister on-campus lunch.
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