The fashion world is currently reveling in the fall collections, with New York Fashion Week just completed, presentations happening in London right now and Milan later this week, and finishing up in Paris at the end of this month. There are so many elegant gowns, everyday separates, unique beauty looks and accessories, and more than a few over-the-top creations.
As exciting as it all is (at least for me), I can’t think about fashion right now. The overwhelming thoughts crowding my brain and heart at the moment involve the tragedy in Florida.
On a day when my fourth grader was eating frosting straight off the spoon during his Valentine’s Day party in Mr. Weimer’s class and my seventh grader was passing out Candy Grams with other leadership students, a former student walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and killed 17 people.
A football coach, an athletic director, innocent students – gone. Many others injured. A city traumatized. A country stunned.
I cannot fathom yet another school shooting. I am heartbroken.
The very next day, Moms in Christ gathered in the Jackie Johnson room to pray, as we do every Thursday morning. Each week we cover one group of people in prayer – whether it’s the Kindergarteners or the Senior class or the math department. But this past Thursday one of the leaders we prayed for was Daniel Jessing, our campus’s renaissance man. One of his many duties is to protect our school. I am so thankful for him!
We live in a broken, depraved world. As a fallen race, there is sin in each of us. There is wickedness all around us. But there’s something else.
When I feel despair, overwhelmed with sadness, or when I’m struggling, I remind myself that the Holy Spirit lives in me. We all struggle. Everyone feels sad and sometimes it’s a deeper anxiety or depression. Sometimes we need to ask for help. But always – always – we have hope.
The devil has reign over this earth, and he’ll do everything he can to tear us away from God. He will fill our heads with lies and doubt. He will tell us we’re not good enough. He will pour evil out on the world and attack the innocent. He will perpetuate fear. He will kick us when we’re down. He will cause senseless violence.
But he doesn’t get the final say. He may prolong the argument, but the final word has already been spoken. On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). With Christ’s death and resurrection, He claimed victory and gave us the gift of eternal life if we accept it and believe in Him.
Do you believe in Him? Do you believe that Jesus loves you? Jesus came and died just for you. We may not know what this life will hold, but with Christ we know what our eternity will hold. Best of all, it’s a free gift for anyone who wants it.
That doesn’t mean this life will be easy. Jesus said the path is narrow, and we will be persecuted just like He was. And there will be tragedy and heartbreak and suffering, like in Parkland. But that’s not the end of the story, like the devil wants us to believe. He wants us to throw our hands up in defeat, but we are not defeated. He doesn’t get to claim us.
When I see Daniel Jessing on campus, I feel safer knowing he’s there looking out for all of you. Pray for him! But he is one man. Only Jesus can give us true safety, true security, true peace and true love.
If you don’t know Jesus yet, please pray about it. I will pray for you, too.
~ Silva
For my last blog, read Style Session No. 11 – Mall Malcontent.
If you have questions or topics you’d like to see addressed in this blog, please email me at [email protected]. You can read more from me at
Arlene. M.(lil) • Feb 20, 2018 at 1:49 pm
Your amazing Silva, very well said xo
Silva Emerian • Feb 20, 2018 at 8:23 pm
Thanks Arlene! ?