Senior joins FC golf team
With the school year winding down and students preparing for the summer break, senior Matthew Sue wanted to do something exciting for the last part of high school.

Sue joined the high school golf team because he thought it would be beneficial to his future.
“One of the reasons I joined the golf team was to learn a sport that I thought would be beneficial,” Sue said. “Golf has so many applications and it is a lifelong sport, this makes it very valuable. I have taken away a greater skill in golf from this as well as meeting new people. My favorite part of this sport would be the peace of the sport and the relaxing nature of the sport. My favorite part of golf so far has been chipping and that aspect is my strongest part of my game too.”
Golf head coach Brent Deffenbacher has had many coaching experiences in a variety of sports. For the past 25 years, he has coached soccer, basketball, softball and now golf. Last year, he was assistant to Coach Hopper for the golf team. He has seen many strong qualities in Sue.
“Matthew Sue stands out to me as a golfer for several reasons,” Deffenbacher said. “First, is his willingness to participate in a sport that he had never played before. Matthew has remained very coachable and kept a positive attitude both on the practice range and during competitive play. Everybody loves Matthew. It is not uncommon to see Matthew carrying on a conversation with his playing competitor walking down the fairway. Matthew upholds the highest levels of character and integrity that are foundational to the game of golf. Matthew represents Fresno Christian well.”
Everybody loves Matthew. It is not uncommon to see Matthew carrying on a conversation with his playing competitor walking down the fairway. Matthew upholds the highest levels of character and integrity that are foundational to the game of golf. Matthew represents Fresno Christian well. — Brent Deffenbacher, head golf coach
Teammate of Sue, Zane Munoz, ’20, joined golf because of his parents. He enjoys talking about video games with Sue.
“This is my first year playing golf,” Munoz said. “I joined because my mom wanted me to do a sport. Matthew has shown great leadership ability by cheering us on and supporting us. I love talking about video games with him. He shows me new Fortnite tips and strategies.”
Marin Sue, ’20, Sue’s sister has enjoyed sharing the same high school with his brother.

“Having Matthew on campus has been a fun experience,” Marin Sue said. “Some of the things I like most about Matthew is his sense of humor, honesty, and his caring attitude. I also like how he’s adopted the motto, ‘always ready to help’. Having him on campus has helped me when I need help with homework.”
Besides hanging out on the golf course, Sue enjoys spending time with family and friends. He has also been part of the Feather staff since his sophomore year.
“Outside of school I enjoy gaming, spending time with my family and fishing,” Matt Sue said. “I am also part of the Feather Online. I joined the Feather to become a better writer and to help myself build a better profile for college. The Feather has taught me a variety of things from interviewing skills to improving my writing skills.”
Besides being part of the Feather, Sue heads the campus’ fishing club, where students travel to various lakes and streams around Fresno. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month to learn the basics of fishing.
Sue plans to attend Fresno Pacific or Clovis Community with a major in history. Go out and support him in his next championship match against the Riverdale Cowboys, May 1.
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