See You at the Pole has been a public school activity since1990, when a group of teenagers in Burleston, Texas, got together for a discipleship retreat and decided to pray around campus’ flagpoles that night.
Later that year in Dallas, Texas, rallies of teenagers numbering more than 20,000 were challenged to do the same as those in Burleston, Texas.
According to, 45,000 students representing 1,200 schools in four different states participated in the movement on Sept.12,1990.
See You at the Pole has been organized in all 50 states and over 20 other countries and over 3 million students met at their flagpole in1998.
This year over 80 students from all different grades showed up on Sept. 12 at the flagpole on campus and prayed for the school, nation and its leaders.
“It was so encouraging to see all those students that stayed for the prayer time,” Caleb Janca, “02, said. “I came last year and this years’ turnout was great but not as many students came as last year.”
Janca has been a student on campus since the 7th grade and has attended See You at the Pole three times.
“I will never give up hope about prayer coming back into schools,” Janca said. “I am so glad that our President is praying on TV and using Bible references.”
Local students across the nation sponsor, organize and lead the prayer at the pole.
“I think it’s a great thing to participate in especially now because of what our nation has been going through,” Mandi Estes, 05, said. “I think it will help to unite our students. I went last year and we prayed for our leaders, our school, and other schools in the Fresno/Clovis area.”
Students take responsibility by praying and participate in these efforts to support the nation.
“I think it’s a good thing for our nation to be doing,” Rene Charest, “04, says. “The Bible tells us that we need to pray for our nation and wisdom for its leaders. It’s time for us to humble ourselves and pray.”
Ericlee Gilmore, the advisor for FCA, directed See You at the Pole meeting on campus.
“The great thing about See You at the Pole is that the kids do everything,” Gilmore said. They lead it and start it. I think this year was different because of the tragedy.”
These recent terrorist attacks on the U.S. have opened minds to prayer.
“The tragedy has made us focus more on prayer,” Gilmore said. “This could bring back prayer in schools.”” “” “” “” “” “