This is the 6th episode of FC Underground, 2018-’19, covering the week of Oct. 1 – Oct. 5, 2018.
FC Underground is a video series of weekly announcement videos, starring your host Hannah Villines, ’21, and Logan Lewis, ’20, with a purpose of informing the students and campus community members about school events.
This week’s announcements include information on homecoming, sports games and Brother to Brother.
Homecoming week 2018
Monday, Oct. 1
Captain America’s ‘Murica Monday (USA Day).
Tuesday, Oct. 2
Goofy’s Wide World Of Sports Tuesday (Sports Team Day).
News Engagement Day all day.
Champions for Tomorrow during chapel.
Brother to Brother meeting at lunch.
Girls tennis at Avenal, 4 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 3
Sleeping Beauty’s Wake-Up Wednesday (PJ Day).
CSU application workshop in North Lobby.
Thursday, Oct. 4
Moana’s Tropical Thursday (Hawaiian Day).
Girls tennis host Riverdale, 4 p.m.
Volleyball hosts Alpaugh, 5:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct 5.
FCS Spirit Day (School Spirit Day).
Football hosts Frazier Mountain for homecoming, 7 p.m. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Concessions open at 6 and homecoming festivities start at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: Adults-$5; seniors (65+) & student with ID-$3; FCS students (K-12) w/ID & children 5 and under are free.
FC Underground 2018-‘19, No. 6 from The Feather Online on Vimeo.
For last weeks video check out FC Underground 2018-’19, No. 5.
The author can be reached via email: Braden Bell, Instagram and Twitter.