Journalists share Sadie Hawkins suggestions, begin blogging
Juniors Annabelle Messer and Megan LeBlanc begin the blog series, “Girl Talk” covering issues spotlighting the triumphs and struggles from the female perspective. They begin publishing their first blog next week.
An 80-year tradition, Sadie Hawkins, continues in many high schools throughout the US and Canada. The idea first occurred as a comic strip in 1937, illustrating a women named Sadie Hawkin who got to choose whatever man she wanted to marry. The comic strip became very popular in the USA, as well as Canada. This empowered women’s rights as well as making an interesting dance idea, where girls ask guys in many high schools.

While most schools have dances dance, Fresno Christian chooses not to, rather, they travel out of town to places such as amusement parks. FC takes a unique approach at Sadie Hawkins as this is the third out of four years they will experience sadies away from Fresno. This year students will travel to Great America in Santa Clara, Oct. 27.
Many campus students have experienced public school sadies. Junior Avery Jones shares her sadies experiences in both settings.
“At Fresno Christian we get to go somewhere fun like Six Flags or Magic Mountain,” Jones said. “At Clovis North they just have a dance in the gym and I was just jumping the whole time. Fresno Christian’s sadies is much more fun.”
Sadies has changed over the years. Alumnus John Foster, ‘96, explains how sadies differs from when he was in high school.
“For starters, I don’t remember so much effort going into how you get asked,” Foster said. “I think it was just a simple phone call, or maybe a girl walking up to you at lunch and saying, ‘hey, do you want to go to sadies with me.’ Nowadays the “promposals” have become so elaborate.
“I do remember, however, one girl putting an envelope on my Jeep with a letter that started me on a scavenger hunt,” Foster continued. “That chase ended at a park where she was waiting with lunch. She then asked me, so I guess in a way that was a ‘promposal’. I don’t remember ever going out of town for sadies. All of ours were either held at the school or somewhere around Fresno.”

Senior Austin Duffy explains why he is excited for this year’s theme and location. As students anticipate the event, they begin to ask and coordinate their dates regarding the them.
“I was asked by a fellow senior, Macie Thompson, who I’ve known since first grade,” Duffy said. “I think it is going to be very fun; we are wearing matching motocross jerseys and Great America will be fun.”
Given the theme of occupations, FC students who attend sadies will coordinate with their date according to what occupation they choose. In past years students have worn t-shirts to be comfortable because of the long bus ride in front of them.
This year the bus ride to Great America is 2 1/2 hours, so be prepared. The bus will be leaving the campus at 8 a.m. and arriving back by Building Six around 10 p.m.
Are you stuck on ideas? Here are a few to help you out.
- Doctor/Nurse
- Firefighter
- Chef
- Astronaut
- Artist
- Police man
- Teacher
- Lifeguard
- Soldier
- Athlete
- Singer
- Detective
In the past, many students ask their date to sadies using a sign such as Thompson. She explains how she asked her friend, Austin Duffy.
“I asked Austin Duffy because of the friendship that we have and I just thought that it would be a really fun time,” Thompson said,”I asked him with a sign that said, ‘Austin, sadies would be ruff without you,’ during fourth period, with a dog stuffed animal.”

As Thompson asked with an animal theme, there are many other ways to ask your date to sadies. You can ask with a clever sign or with commonality between you and your date. Some themes and ideas that will help you do your best asking to sadies can range from a group asking to just you if you are brave enough.
Some ideas are listed below.
- Sports:
- Football: “Wanna tackle sadies with me?”
- Soccer: “Can I score a date with you to sadies? It’s been a goal of mine!”
- Basketball: “Hope I didn’t catch you off guard, let’s take a shot and have a ball at Sadies?”
- Baseball: “I hope I don’t strike out asking but Sadies with you would be a home run?”
- Song lyrics:
- Cruise by Florida Georgia line: “You make me wanna roll my windows down, so can we cruise to sadies?
- Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen: “Hey I just met you and this is crazy, sadies maybe?”
- Food:
- Star Burst: “I’m Bursting to go to sadies with you?”
- Tacos: “Lets taco bout…sadies?”
- Donut: “I donut want to go to sadies without you?”
- Animals:
- Fish: “Out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to sadies with me?”
- Bear: “I could not bear to go to sadies without you?”
- Deer: “You would be a deer if you went to sadies with me?”
- Lion: “I would be lion if I said I didn’t want to go to sadies with you?”
- Shoes:
- Nike running shoes: “I heard you wanted to run to sadies with me, Just do it?”
- Vans: “This might be off the wall…but sadies?”
- Any shoe: “I’m so glad you walked into my life…sadies?”
[/media-credit] A group of students prepare to board busses en route to Magic Mountain for the October 2017 sadies trip.
- Disney:
- Disney Dynamic Duos: “Minnie needs Mickey, just like Tigger needs Pooh and I need to go to sadies with you?”
- Frozen: “You’re worth melting for, don’t leave me frozen, sadies?
- Peter Pan: “Will you fly to sadies with me?”
- Disney land: “It’s not the happiest place on Earth without you, sadies?
Sadies invites already begin this year as many FC students ask their fellow classmates. Do not be afraid to jump in on the action and ask someone. For those who are still a little nervous you can ask all the way up to Oct.26. Tickets will be sold during lunch starting Monday, Oct. 8. Early bird cost is $50 and only lasts till Oct. 10. After early bird, the tickets will cost $55.
Everyone who buys a ticket will be given a permission slip that needs to be signed by their guardian and turned into the high school office. You will not be able to get on the bus without the permission slip signed before hand.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask leadership advisor Aubri Foster by contacting her via email [email protected].
Silva Emerian • Oct 10, 2018 at 9:50 am
I grew up in Boston and we never had Sadie’s dances. Thanks for the informative article. And have fun!
Kimberly Bell • Oct 8, 2018 at 4:59 pm
Sounds like a great time!!