Juniors Annabelle Messer and Megan LeBlanc, along with sophomore Mackenzie Beckworth continue the blog series, “Girl Talk” covering issues spotlighting the triumphs and struggles from the female perspective. Check out their first blog article in the series read BLOG: Girl Talk–Sadies or the most recent, BLOG: Girl Talk-Lies Society Tells.
The blogger of this article is single.
A holiday we either dread or can not wait for. The candy hearts, chocolate, flowers and teddy bears line the racks of stores, as everyone begins to shop for their loved ones before Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day.

Couples plan their special night with reservations at the place they met at or their favorite restaurants. They surprise each other with gifts that night and tell each other “what would I do without you”. It may all seem cheesy but in reality we are at home watching chick flicks waiting for our prince charming to come running after us.
Valentine’s Day began with St. Valentine rebelling and continued to marry couples in secret after Claudius II thought that single soldiers were better than married ones. Claudius II then outlawed marriage for young men.
When Claudius II found out about St. Valentine’s doing, he was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. While in jail, St. Valentine fell in love with the jailer’s daughter. On Feb. 14, St. Valentine was sentenced to be killed and sent a love letter to his love signed, “From your Valentine.” St. Valentine’s name continues to be used on Feb. 14 to share love all around the world.
Junior Angel Ruelas explains what he does for Valentine’s Day and why someone should answer yes if they are asked to go on a valentines date.
“I spend Valentine’s Day with my family and eat like a normal day,” Ruelas said. “My dad usually gets my mom a huge bunch of flowers. I think they should say yes because it is just a chill day and you are not actually dating; it is like ‘hey let’s go out it’s Valentine’s Day so lets have a good time’.”
Whether it be your parents, best friend, or neighbor many go on valentine’s dates. Reservations are made, outfits are planned, and we still don’t have a date for that night.
Annabelle Messer interviews Nicole Wagoner about Valentines Day, Feb. 6.
On one hand you may want to go on a date due to the excitement of getting ready, the butterflies before, and having a night to feel special. But on the other hand not everyone is given the opportunity and many may have turned someone down. If you are that 46% that do not even celebrate this holiday, you are definitely not alone.
Dates can be filled with awkward moments and not knowing what to talk about. Dates are not always the best answer to make you feel better about being alone. You might be alone for a reason and your significant other will come later.
We end up comparing ourselves whether we are pretty enough or good enough because we do not have a date. But in reality only 2% of marriages include marriages between high school sweethearts. So do not worry if your date is planned or not because high school relationship usually do not last.
Editor Sam Cross shares facts about Valentine’s Day in the following tweet.
Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a week away. Impress your date with these facts. #ValentinesDay @thefeather pic.twitter.com/VSXknzRSf1
— Sam Cross (@SamKCross) February 8, 2019
Spanish teacher Rachel Rodriguez explains her thoughts on Valentine’s Day including if someone has a significant other or not.
“If someone does not have a valentine for Valentine’s Day, they should not be looked at differently,” Rodriguez said. “Valentine’s Day is just a day to be more intentional in showing love for others, because ultimately we are called to love one another. Love is an action and it can be express through acts of kindness. We can’t control how people view others based on their relationship status, but we can control how we express our love for others.”
The following infographic by editor Sam Cross shares information related to Valentine’s Day.
As this night is filled with completely nothing, a night “in” can also be fun. Who doesn’t love movies, ice cream, and pajamas. Invite friends over and your night is set. If you are more of an extrovert, go to dinner with your friends or see a movie out in a group. This gives no awkward moments, a night of fun memories, and no obligations.
Dates are not a bad thing, they can be fun and an opportunity to get to know someone better. But, if you are presented with the idea only go if you feel comfortable.
Annabelle Messer can be reached via email and Twitter.
For more Girl Talks check out BLOG: Girl Talk-Lies Society Tells or BLOG: Girl Talk- Trends and Expectations.
Kayla Fermanian • Feb 15, 2019 at 8:56 am
Great article!
Silva Emerian • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:08 pm
I love the different perspectives and options this article presents. Nice job, Annabelle, Megan and Mackenzie! My husband and I decided from the very beginning of our marriage that we wouldn’t put any pressure on each other over this one night (don’t we love each other the other 364 nights of the year?!). So our tradition is to go to Me-n-Ed’s and share a heart-shaped pizza. That’s about as much romance as we can handle on 2/14!
Kaylie Clem • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:46 pm
Such a fun article and creative perspective. Great job girls!
Riley Goldsborough • Feb 8, 2019 at 10:11 am
I love the new perspective on Valentine’s Day! Great article!
Rylee • Feb 8, 2019 at 10:04 am
Great job Annabelle! I loved reading this.