Student looks to apply abilities to architectural career
While pointing out details and appreciating things most children would not even notice, Joshua Savage has always had an artist’s eye according to mother Marylou Savage. Loving art from an early age and enjoying how many parts make up a masterpiece, Savage learned to draw with very little help.
Attending Fresno Christian since kindergarten, Savage is known as a lifer on campus. Savage only took the usual art classes that FC provides including Art one, two and three. As Savage’s interest in art furthered his skills he explains how art intrigues him and what he loves most about it, including his favorite medium of art.
“Drawing isn’t something you pick up unless you are truly interested in it,” Savage said. “I would say that both curiosity and attention to detail made me into the artist I am today. My favorite medium of art is drawing, using both graphite and ink. Though I prefer these techniques, I have also practiced with watercolor, which I’d say is equally enjoyable.”
Savage, the youngest of five siblings, followed after his brother, Michael Savage, in his footsteps and according to his mother, surpasses him in his art skill at this age.
“I have found that art produces such things as peace and self-expression, but also a confidence in a skill that is God-given,” Savage continues. “It is a personal gift that I can take with me through life and use as a profession to make a living. I am thankful that God has blessed me with a gift and passion; something that has brought me comfort, understanding, joy, and peace many a time.”
Journalist, Annabelle Messer shares photos of campus Art I and II color wheels, detailing the primary colors used in the project.
Did you know that you can make 12 colors made up of the three primary colors: Red, blue, and yellow! Which color wheel is your favorite? @thefeather #thefeatheronline #Art #Colorwheels pic.twitter.com/pUYfF9m4e1
— Annabelle Messer (@MesserAnnabelle) March 20, 2019
Savage also like the aspect of art that provides relaxation. Savage’s interest does not stop at drawing and art as he also finds an interest in history and family history. He is fascinated himself with the history of our grandparents and ancestors lives before our very breath was formed.

While only entering his artwork into one into the Congressional Art Competition, Savage received many special recognitions. Many eyes were able to see the piece and see the passion that Savage illustrates into his pieces.
Savage’s favorite memory from FC includes the annual senior trip. Seniors take a trip to Hume Lake Christian Camps. During the trip all seniors participate in many team building exercises and grow closer as a class. Savage enjoyed the trip because of the walls that were broken down, connections that formed, and he liked that his class grew closer together.
Close friend of Savage, Hannah Springer shares how she is inspired by his artistic ability.
“Joshua and I have known each other for these past four years of high school, and have been friends these last two,” Springer said. “Through getting to know Joshua in his artistic nature and temperament, I have been inspired to follow his example of tenacity and hard work in my own life. I could not ask for a better person to be my best friend.”
Savage steers his way toward scenery and loves to paint what God has created. His most proud piece he created was the “Gamble House”. This architectural piece recreates and shows the work of the early 20th century architects, Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene. The piece includes a drawing of the Pasadena home built by the Greenes.

Art teacher for three years, Vicky Belmont shares what she admires about Josh and how he will go far with his artwork.
“I taught Josh last year,” Belmont said. “Josh is a very detailed artist. He produced many architectural drawings. He takes his art work very seriously and seems to enjoy it greatly. I think he will go very far with his art because of his intensity and drive to always do better.”
Seniors at FC recently turned in their portfolios and applied to different colleges, hoping to receive the acceptance letters they waited for since they were little.
Mother of Josh, Marylou Savage shares what characteristics Josh inquires and how she feels that Josh is a senior and that graduation is coming around the corner.
“I would say a characteristic of Josh’s that lends itself beautifully to his gift of artistic ability is that he is very detailed oriented and exact,” Marylou said. “He sees and notices things others do not take the time or have the eye to see without their attention being drawn to it. I am sad about this being Josh’s last year. He is my youngest and we have had kids at Fresno Christian for 20 years. This will be the bittersweet end of an era.”
Savage prepares for his next chapter, as he has applied to many colleges including CSU Long Beach and Cal Baptist University. He plans to use his talent while attending Cal Baptist in studying architecture and interior design.
Annabelle Messer can be reached via email and Twitter.
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