Campus Spanish teacher Rachel (Señorita) Rodriguez begins to share devotions in a blog series. Rodriguez hopes to lead readers closer to in their relationship with God and believes there is always a new way to see and understand him. For the second blog in this series read: BLOG: The Struggle is Real.
We all at some point are seeking our purpose in some way or form. When we were young children the common question asked was, what do you want to be when you grow up?

We all have different callings here on earth and each of us have assignments that are linked to that calling. But there is a calling, a purpose on our life that transcends any other assignment and in a way unites us all, and that is worship. We were created to worship the one true God who is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.
When I’m getting ready for the day or I just want to take time to adore Him, I put on Kim Walker. My favorites are Pursuit and In Awe Of You.
What worship is to me
Worship is a place of freedom and yet a place where battles are fought and conquered. Worship can be the easiest thing to do and it can be the hardest thing to engage in when life’s events distract us from our ultimate calling.
Steffany Gretzinger from Bethel Music mentioned what worship does for us, “You’ll never be clearer, you’ll never be more accurate, and you’ll never be more certain than you are when you’re in worship, doing the thing that you were born to do. We are most ourselves in worship because it’s what we are created for. Focusing our praise on God brings alignment to who we are created to be.”
When we worship in spirit and truth, revelation of our purpose can be downloaded to us by the Father. People have said we can be whoever we want to be which in part is true, but when we have said yes to Him, we seek Him out for direction.
Yet, God is so good He lets us choose for ourselves. The Bible says that His ways are higher and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, so why not seek Him first as to what we should be when we grow up?
When I need to be reminded of my purpose I like to listen to The Call (Spontaneous) by Steffany Gretzinger & Lindy Conant from Bethel. This song always realigns me to my purpose. A little after six minutes into the song is when it just hits home for me because she starts declaring the passion for Jesus in such an authentic way.
Personal worship experience
At the Catholic church during worship, I would experience an emotional stir within me and I didn’t understand why. I would withhold the tears because no else seemed to be experiencing the same thing and I wanted to avoid the attention.
The first time I step foot in a Christian church, I felt exposed. I felt that people knew I was a newbie. As soon as worship started, an emotional stir began and this time it was so strong, I was not able to keep it under control.
As I was listening to the lyrics of the song Higher by Fearless BND, my spirit and soul was experiencing freedom. Tears released as I saw the congregation doing the thing I wanted to do all along. However, I didn’t even realize it until that moment.
I’ve had my share of revelations during worship that has left me in awe of God. Worship has lifted heaviness off me when I’m feeling sick, frustrated, oppressed or defeated. Worship has brought out joyful tears from knowing who He is and realizing that no one can compare to Him.
There are times when I forget how good God is and to remind myself of who He is I listen to Miracles sung by Jeremy Riddle & Steffany Gretzinger from Bethel Church. Bethel Music has this way of taking songs to another level of intimacy with the Father.

No one is worthy of worship but Him alone. He is our defender, our redeemer, our healer, He is our ultimate love. The more I worship Him in spirit and truth, the more confident I become in Him. I’ve mentioned in spirit and truth because to truly engage with Him comes from within and you step into the heavenly realm bringing heaven on earth.
Free to worship
If you have yet to experience worship that brings you to your knees, ask God to cause your heart to burn for Him. Ask for a heart that burns of passion for Him. Ask and you shall receive!
If you are one that has experienced such passion for Him but you find yourself in a place of numbness because has become common and familiar, cry out to Him. When I find myself in such a place, I ask God for a revival within my heart. I humble myself before Him and ask Him to take me to another level of His glory.
It can be bold to ask Him to take us to another level of His glory because that means another level of obstacles, of opposition and of pruning. Keep in mind, the enemy doesn’t want us to fulfill our God given purpose, meaning opposition rises when God is taking us to another level.
Therefore, let’s exercise our spirit to rise above every opposition by worshipping our Holy God in spirit and truth, through every trial and through every victory.
Yours by Elevation Worship is one of my go-to songs when I want to stir up my spirit to worship Him and acknowledge His glory.
I have my list of songs to worship God. What ways do you like to worship God where it is just you and Him? Is it singing? Dancing? Painting? Drawing?
For the first blog in this series read: BLOG: Growing closer to God, an introduction.
Rebekah Micu • Apr 12, 2019 at 9:37 am
Great job Señorita I LOVE how you said “No one is worthy of worship but Him alone.” I think we often forget this and start to have other things as our #1 priority when really only Jesus is worthy of our praise and worship.
Rosanelli barrios • Apr 10, 2019 at 8:33 am
Señorita i really loved reading this I liked how you said we all have different callings on earth because we all do. I have a struggle finding a call for me, but I know everyday god will be there for me listening and waiting.
Kayla Fermanian • Apr 10, 2019 at 8:28 am
such an amazing read! love everything you do!
Logan Lewis • Apr 8, 2019 at 10:51 pm
I love “It can be bold to ask Him to take us to another level of His glory because that means another level of obstacles, of opposition and of pruning.” Following God isn’t easy, but the life in Him is worth it. Thank you Senorita for this word of encouragement!
Avery Jones • Apr 8, 2019 at 9:30 pm
Señorita! You blogs are inspiring as I continue to love what you have to say. I really love how you said, “But there is a calling, a purpose on our life that transcends any other assignment and in a way unites us all, and that is worship.” I struggle with finding my calling, but I know I can always look to God whether through prayer or worship. Well done Señorita, love it!