Teachers on campus find their children ascending to higher levels of education as they continue to teach teenagers who travel the same path their children once did.
Alan Tong, math teacher, not only teaches high school students but also taught his daughter morals throughout her adolescent years. Bethany is an undergraduate at Cornell University in New York and majors in biology.
“I miss her a lot,” Tong said. “Bethany and I are closer now than when she was in high school. A parent’s goal is to raise their son or daughter to go to college. It was a bittersweet moment. Realize the time you spend with you family is short. When you leave for college your relationship with you family will change. It was great following my daughter in all her high school activity’s and watching her grow up.”
For Bethany, being involved in high school and knowing who she is as a person is very important for all teens.
“Enjoy high school, your friends, your teachers and be involved at you school,” Bethany said. “Be yourself, know you strengths, weaknesses, who you are and set goals for your self. Trust God, he will take care of your future.”
Although Tong never got to see his daughter on campus, other teachers enjoy the ability to be around their child during school day.
Scott Falk, bible teacher, enjoys seeing his daughter Annie Falk, ’02, everyday at school and during his bible class.
“Annie is a wonderful child,” Falk said. “Last year was her first year at FCS, it has been awesome having her as a student and when I see her it makes my day. I love it.”
Annie also feels the same way about seeing her dad on campus and enjoys having him as a teacher.
“I like seeing my dad at school all everyday,” Annie said. “I am really close to my dad. One really important thing is he doesn’t talk about me to other students. As a teacher he knows a lot and keeps my attention by telling a lot of stories.”
Sharon Scharf, art and home economics teacher, also enjoyed seeing her daughter Hailie on campus during her high school years. After raising her own child, Scharf realizes that teenagers in today’s world have a hard time making the right decisions because the influencing ways of the world.
“Kids sometimes lack taking responsibility,” Scharf said. ” Some young people have a hard time following the Christian values that they are brought up with because they are surrounded with so much of the world. If kids are on their own they usually make the right decision. However if they are in a group they usually make the wrong decision because they do not want to look like a nerd.”
Scharf constantly kept her daughter Hallie involved with many extra-circular activities while still maintaining a grade point average of 3.3 at FC. Hallie attending Texas A and M and majoring in biology.
“Hallie kept so busy with 4H, cheerleading and studying, the challenge was getting her everywhere she needed to go.” Scharf said. “Kids have to balance their lives they need outside activity’s as well inside to learn responsibility.”
According to some teachers teenagers not only need to learn to take responsibility but need to take high school seriously and prepare for college. Molly Sargent, English teacher, whose daughter Wendy Sargent is a junior at Biola University, found when going away to college she had to grow up a lot.
“Take school seriously from the very beginning,” Sargent advised. “Approach your freshman year of college more seriously than your senior year of high school. Try to set up your school schedule. If you are a morning person try not to take morning classes because attendance does count.