Mother’s day is an event that has been celebrated every year since 1914. This holiday helps us to honor our mothers and the many sacrifices they have made for us.
Many teenagers are involved in academics and extracurriculars, leaving them with no time to earn money through a job. When coming around holidays and birthdays, teenagers struggle to try and find something to buy. Here are a few gift ideas that you can get/do for your mom this coming Mother’s day:
– Write her a card
– Make her breakfast
– Get her flowers
– Draw/paint her something
– Get her a necklace
– Get her a candle
– Go on a bike ride with her
– Clean the house
– Make her a coupon for a chore of her choosing
– Tell your mom you love her

Junior, Aubrey Graham shares how she will celebrate Mother’s day.
“I plan to take my mom to get her favorite coffee and flowers from Trader Joe’s,” Graham said. “Then our family goes out to dinner as a tradition.”
Share in the comment section below what you can get your mom for mothers day.