Choir’s anxious anticipation grows while the countdown for their departure to Hawaii comes to an end. Countless hours of washing cars and selling Christmas wreaths will pay off with several days performing and sightseeing in Honolulu, Oahu. Students plan to hit the beaches, sing, eat pineapple, and check out the sights.
The Hawaii trip is going to take place from April 9-14. The trip will consist of five days of beaches and choir performances in local churches of the Honolulu area.
“The Hawaii trip is going to be awesome,” Jordan Logoluso, ’03, said. ” I’ve never been to Hawaii so I am looking forward to all the beaches and performances. I’ve been in choir for a long time, because I enjoy singing and it’s a lot of fun to be in all the performances. And I’ll probably bring back Mr. (Greg) Stobbe some Kona coffee.”
Choir and Ensemble are the fastest growing and largest electives on campus, with over 60 students.
“I really love singing in Ensemble,” Phillip Ocheltree, ’04, said. “Mr. (Marc) Ferguson is one of the best influences on my life. Plus there is a great group of people in Ensemble.”
While Ferguson left campus for a one-year hiatus, he has been the choir director on campus for 13 years.
“I’m enjoying teaching choir and Ensemble this year, because the students are working hard and all the students have a lot of talent,” Ferguson said. “Also this year there are a lot of performing opportunities for us.”
Most of the students who participate in choir for one year often stay in choir for the duration of their high school career. Other students take it a step farther and join Ensemble on top of choir.
“I enjoy being in choir and Ensemble,” Leah Brouwer, ’03, said. “I love to sing. Besides the fellowship and bible studies with others are awesome. I can’t wait to go on our choir tour.”
Some students have been singing from a very young age and decide to continue singing with no plans of stopping soon.
“I love choir, because there is so much to do,” Brian Maldonado, ’02, said. “I enjoy learning new music and helping all the new students. I’ve been singing since I was four years old and I have never stopped enjoying it.”
While choir contains a lot of veteran singers, it also appeals to many under classmen too.
“I enjoy choir,” Dori Richardson, ’05, said, “because it’s fun in the class room and out. We have fun practicing and performing; plus I’m really into music.”
Choir and Ensemble still hold three more major performances in their repertoire: The Performing Arts Concert, a combined event with band and drama on March 21 at the Veterans Hall in Downtown Fresno, the Hawaii trip on April 9-14, and their spring concert on May 14. As a fundraiser for the Hawaii trip, enchiladas are being sold (a dozen for $15) until Feb. 13.