A total of 33 choir members, ten ensemble members, and Susan Ainley prepare for upcoming festivals and concerts.
Coming up this year:
- Pacific Choral Festival, Oct. 20
- Fall Concert, Oct. 24 at 7 pm
- Christmas Concert, Dec. 12
- Valentine’s Concert, Feb. 11
- FPU Festival
- Fresno State University Festival
- Competitive Choral Concert in Anaheim, April
- For this year’s Fall concert, choir brings something new to the table. During “Soon We Will Be Done,” there are four soloists rapping during the performance.
Ainley shares her excitement for conducting choir this 2022-23 school year.
“I’ve taught music now for a long time, and I can honestly say it’s a joy to come every day to this school and help students learn about music,” Ainley said. “There’s no place I’d rather do that than here at FC.”
Families, students and members of the community are welcome to attend the concert as they are all invited.
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