As the year comes to an end, I reminisce, looking at all the memories The Feather has given me. As a clueless sophomore, I had no Idea what I was getting myself into. Initially, I did not want to join the class. The constant comments about working too hard and how the criticism was too much made me hesitate if I should take it on. Well, three years later, after many happy and sad tears, many joyful moments and many difficult moments, it was a decision that changed my life for the better.
Despite the title of photo editor, I play a variety of roles. I have written articles and blogs; I have interviewed people; and I have taken photos. My love of photography sparked a greater desire in my heart for blog writing. I desired and craved more than what I had at the beginning. It was not the first snap of the camera that made me fall in love, it was the dedication and the community that made me love what I do.
It was a bumpy start to my first year on the job. I can confidently say that I had no clue what I was doing. How do I write? What does ISO mean? There wasn’t a stopping point where I officially figured it out. I’m still learning, and I have many strengths and weaknesses. That’s why The Feather is a team, and we all have different roles. I didn’t feel alone my first year because I had Aubrey Graham, ‘23, figuring it out with me. It was a fresh start for The Feather Online in my sophomore year of 2021.
I was excited to return to my second year and officially get into the flow of things. But something very unexpected happened to me, and life hit me like a train. I wanted to call it quits and instead take a class I did not have to try in. Even though it was hard, I continued to push through, and I fully dedicated myself to the class the following year.

Many people helped me on my journey, but God was the one who saved me. I wanted to help people through their journeys, good or bad, so I decided to start a blog. While helping me launch my blog, my adviser, Kori James, and I shared a touching moment. The Beckoning Series was the name we decided on. “Taylor Beckworth shares encouragement, advice, and straight talk from her journey and the experience of others as she draws near to the beckoning of the Lord. (Philippians 3:12–14 MSG).” This was a turning point in my life, and I was ready to move forward in my journey.
My senior year rolled around fast. A blink of an eye, and school is out in just 12 days. My senior year in The Feather was full of so much fun and so many memories. Thank you, third period class, for being so amazing. I’ll never forget the Taylor Swift moments, the constant snacking and getting to know each and every one of you.
Someone who has changed my life in the Feather and outside is editor-in-chief Amanda Johnson.
Johnson is someone I look up to, joining a year after me. Johnson has always been a dedicated and hardworking student, and she stepped up as editor-in-chief her second year on the team. She is always one step ahead of everyone else and never complains about helping me out. She has been a great friend and an amazing addition to this team.
As Aubrey Graham and I leave high school, I want to leave some encouragement for the new photo editor.
Julia Castiglione, I am so proud of you and how much you have accomplished. I have seen you grow immensely, and am so

excited to see what next year brings you. Remember to have patience and to be kind when things get hard. Communication is very important and can be difficult sometimes, but that is what is going to help the team grow. I believe you are going to make an amazing photo editor.
The woman who truly changed my life and pushed me to be who I am is my adviser, Kori James. I want to thank you for pushing me when things got hard, for being there when I was truly at my lowest and for teaching me. You have taught me real-life skills that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I am going to miss you, and I will always remember these three years.
I have decided not to pursue photography in the future, but all the skills I have learned will be beneficial for my future career. Although the criticism and dedication was difficult, putting in a lot of effort in high school will pay off in the long run.
For people wanting to join the team, do it. You won’t regret it, and you will learn so many skills. The first year will most definitely be your hardest, but once you stick it out, you will be happy you did. It was a challenge for me, but the skills and memories I’ve made will always be remembered. Thank you to all my teams for these past few years; I love you all.
Beckworth plans on attending Vanguard University in the fall and majoring in Liberal Studies and hopes to come back to Fresno Christian and teach second grade.