After spending countless hours of filming, editing and producing, directors and actors alike finally reaped the rewards for their efforts. During the annual Night of the Stars, the main contributors of each class were honored by their peers and faculty for their film prowess on Feb. 9 in Ground Zero.
While the seniors garnered most of the awards, three classes were given some awards. After earlier being disqualified for not having their video in on time for the judging, the sophomores still walked away with two awards while the freshman went back to the editing booth without one.
“I was a little surprised about the Best Stunt award,” Michael Abajian, sophomore editor said, “but I knew that we had to get Best Action Scene because we were the only movie with action.”
As expected, the seniors won the majority of the awards, 10 out of 19, including Best Actress, Best Editing, Best Director and Best Picture. Nick Jones, ’02, was again his class director for the third year in a row.
“This is for all the floats and rallies our senior class has lost,” Jones said while accepting the Best Picture award, “we have never won anything, but this award was great to get.”
As the direct opposite of the dominant seniors, the freshmen movie was only seven minutes long and did not win any awards.
“I thought our movie was decent for our first year,” Katie Ettner, freshman director said. “It was fun being involved and seeing the results and I am sure we will do better next year. I learned a lot and will use this year’s experience for the next three.”
The juniors, who provided the only competition to the seniors in winning seven awards, won three out of the four acting awards, including Best Actor.
“Best Actor was an honor to receive,” David Pohl, ’03, said, “I was proud of our movie and how the faculty recognized my hard work. I will definitely be involved next year.”
Each class was reported to put in over 40 hours of editing work to create the Night of the Stars movies. The evening included all four films, a roast dinner and the awards ceremony at the end.
Teacher Allen Tong was awarded a life-time achievement award for his 18 years of service on campus. Fellow teacher Eunie McEntee surprised Tong with the award while singing to him on stage in front of the over 260 students in attendence.