For the first time in school history, The Feather was nominated for a Pacemaker from the National Scholastic Press Association. The NSPA honored the 2005-06 staff with its highest award in April 2006.
An online Pacemaker designates a high school newspaper as one of the top three in the United States. This is the high school equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize.
Since 1927, the NSPA has been partnering with high schools to improve their staffs, advisers and publications. According to their website, the NSPA “provides journalism education services to students, teachers, media advisers and others throughout the United States and in other countries.”
Online editor-in-chief, Brianna Stobbe, hard copy editor-in-chief Gary Darakjian and webmaster Matthew Shattuck took adviser Greg Stobbe’s challenge to be one of the best high school newspapers in the country seriously.
Additionally, Stobbe and Darakjian led the print edition staff to a Gold Medal from New York City’s Columbia University; a First Place with two special merits from the NSPA; and First Place with two special merits from Quill and Scroll International. The Feather also won an All-Valley Newspaper distinction from the San Joaquin Valley Scholastic Press Association sponsored by California State University, Fresno, earning a Superior ranking.
The staff of 2006-07 commends their effort and plans on continuing the commitment to excellence. For more information on this prestigious award, click on Julianne Erkenbrecher’s April 27, 2006, article, NSPA names Feather a Pacemaker.
For more information on the NSPA, go to their website at National Scholastic Press Association.