With the new gym and music center serving as the backdrop for only the second year, the Fresno Christian Foundation plans the 19th annual school wide auction on March 16.
“Last year [the auction] was the first real event where people came to experience the Gym and Music center,” Gary Warkentin, president of the Foundation, said. “We learned what needed to learn about how to put on an event in the new facility.”
The focus of this year’s event has changed little from past years, as organizers hope to have a net profit of $50,000. The only divergences from past auctions are the new decorators, and the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Fresno Christian Schools.
“The auction has always been one of the biggest events that goes on here at school,” Oliver France, ’02, said. “It has happened the every year I have gone to this school. This year I will even be able to get involved personally by being a runner, that is, if I have time.”
Warkentin, who has personally been in charge of the auction for 10 years, is planning for 350 to 400 guests. These guests will have hundreds of items to bid on in both a silent auction that starts at 5 p.m. and a live auction the will commence at 7:45 p.m.
“I’ll admit it isn’t easy to get excited for the same event every year,” Warkentin said, “but it has become a tradition. People expect it.”
For 12 years Wayne Huggins has been the auctioneer and this year is no exception. And as usual, he volunteers his services as a part of his donation to the school.
“For years Wayne has seen this as a part of his ministry,” Warkentin said. “He even donates items as well and does all this without asking for a fee for services.”
In the past Huggins has used his woodworking skills to create birdhouses, a hobby he enjoys in his free time, and donates them to the auction.
The auction has proven over the years to be a large-scale event, and this year its preparations began in late December with letters that were mailed on the first of the year to large organizations across the country. The auction push has also spread into campus classrooms as all students were given handouts for their parents to make donations to the auction.
“This event simply wouldn’t happen without volunteers,” Warkentin said. “The key is to get new people involved and balance between what we can do and what God is going to do for our school.”
For more information on student involvement contact Principal Gary Schultz at 297-9464. For further information on donation opportunities contact Warkentin in the Building 5 main office at 299-1695.