Dear editor:
Both the trip to the Supermercado Vallarta and Mrs. (Debbie) Siebert’s portrayal of her trip to Puerto Rico were fascinating and informative. The Supermercado is festive and has many unusual products reflecting the uniqueness of the Spanish culture.
The trip was eye-opening because I honestly did not believe that people ate some of the food Senora Foth described to us until I saw the items in the Mercado.
Mrs. Siebert’s stories about her time in the Caribbean captivated the class with her beautiful pictures, including entertaining pictures of the actual set of Pirates of the Caribbean! Both of these events encouraged the classes to understand the launguage of Spanish better through learning about the cultures of the people who speak it.
I sincerely hope that Spanish students will have further opportunities to expand the skills they learn in the classroom by seeing how they connect to the real world.