The lights dim as yet another drama skit begins in chapel. By now, students on campus are used to watching drama perform. Many of the drama students enjoy the experience of getting to perform in front of their peers during chapel.
“Drama class has been a very rewarding experience,” Jamie Meadows, ’03, said. “Performing is very exciting for me. The best part is getting to make a fool of yourself in front of others, because that is really what drama class is all about.”
With the Easter season approaching, drama has been preparing a number of skits to help celebrate Christ’s resurrection.
“One of the plays we are working on is called The Bethany Improvisation,” Tom McEntee, drama teacher, said. “This play portrays Christ through the eyes of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. It deals with guilt and forgiveness.”
Drama has also been preparing for the Concert for the Performing Arts, which will feature performances from the band, choir, and drama.
“We are also working on a one act play called Devotion,” McEntee said. “During this play, we are going to be accompanied by the ensemble. This play deals with guilt and exposes the extent of God’s redemption of His children.”
Many are excited about the joint performance between drama and ensemble.
“I think that performing with drama is going to be interesting because it has never been done before,” Jillian Childress, ’02, said. “Performing together makes it more interesting for the audience because it combines visual performance along with musical performance.”
Drama will also be performing Devotion for other churches.
“We are going to be performing Devotion at a church in Bass Lake on Easter Sunday,” Meadows said. “Performing for Easter will be something different that I have never done before. I am really looking forward to performing for another church, and I think that it will be an enriching experience.”
Besides preparing these two plays, drama has still been preparing skits for chapel.
“A skit that we are working on for chapel is called Sex Police,” Greg Tharpe, ’04, said. “It is a sequel to the Television Police that we performed earlier in the year. This skit deals with purity in a funny way.”
Drama will be performing in the Concert for the Performing Arts on March 21 which begins at 7:00 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Fresno. Tickets are available for $5 from choir, band and drama students or they are also available in the high school office. For more on ticket information, call 297-9464 ext. 131.