High school graduation, college graduation, and choosing a career are all crucial decision-making times in a student’s life. Ginger Niemeyer, vice principal, put together a career day to help students become better educated and informed about careers they may be interested in on April 26 in Ground Zero.
“It’s never to early to start planning your future,” Career Day coordinator Josh Justin, ’03, said. “There will be a lot of good speakers at career day. Plus it will help a lot when it comes to making a decision about a major.”
In a poll taken by the career day coordinators over half of the students are interested in the arts, media, entertainment, and public and human services, still many students struggle with what they career they want to pursue.
“I’m not totally sure about what career I want to pursue,” Byron Erkenbrecher, ’03, said. “But career day sounds like a good idea to help me straighten out my interests in the working world.”
Career Day also offers the students who attend to talk one on one with people from their wanted professions.
In a time of making decisions Career Day is put on to help students decide what to do with their job opportunities and help make the working world a lot clearer.
Professionals from all over the Valley will be on campus to talk about their careers, answer questions and discuss upcoming trends in their industries. The cost for the event is $5 which includes lunch, the special seminars and drawing for prizes. The event will be from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.