On the corner of Cedar and Herndon lies a nationwide corporation who strives to better their community. Longs Drugs donated $500 in the form of store gift cards to distribute among the Fresno Christian staff and their departments.
“We were able to receive many supplies we couldn’t have afforded otherwise,” Principal Jon Endicott said. “It helped with many classrooms.”
Jerry Klemm, manager of the local Longs store, aims to help classrooms recognize exceptional teachers and reward them for their efforts.
The donations began over a decade ago when Longs funded sober graduation parties for schools in the community. Eventually Longs decided to give a bulk donation to schools with the freedom to choose their purchase.
Klemm gave ten $50 store gift cards for the school to use. Classes and activities including home economics, the drama department, student leadership and the annual auction will benefit from the donation.
Some teachers bought poster boards for class projects along with supplies to decorate them.
“Most teachers don’t have enough funds to buy materials for their classroom and often have to pay out of pocket,” Klemm said. “The money ensures they have extra money for their class with no expense of their own.”
Other faculty members decided to use their money to support American soldiers abroad.
Home economics teacher Sharon Scharf marshaled her class to bake cookies for American soldiers in Iraq. The class also bought beef jerky, crackers, peanut butter and trail mix from Longs with their share of the donation.
“The money from Longs is a gift from the Lord to help us spread His grace to the soldiers in Iraq,” Scharf said.
Senior Drew Wiese participated in the home economics gift to the troops with the funds from Longs.
“It made me feel good to help the soldiers in Iraq by giving them treats to take their mind off of the war,” Wiese said.
Drama director Tom McEntee was able to purchase new props to enhance future play production.
“We’re thankful for the support because it allows our students to benefit from these contributions,” Endicott said. “It’s nice to see our community recognize what Fresno Christian stands for and are willing to help.”
Despite the downturn in the economy, the planned Longs donation continued without hesitation. The donations during this tough time provide campus programs with needed supplies without burdening their fixed budgets.
“This shows that they are committed to supporting FC and understand the value FC has in the community,” Endicott said. “It [demonstrates] the strong relationship we have had for a number of years.”
For more information, e-mail Jon Endicott.
Brandon McCormick • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Way to go Zach! Wish I could’ve been there to see her reaction. Hope you guys have an awesome time.
Zach Camden • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
I can’t wait to go to NOTS with Michele! I was nervous when I was setting it up, and the crowd that decided to stay and watch didn’t help at all either!
But I’m glad it all worked out and am really looking forward to that night with Michele.
Luke DeGroot • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Nice work, Zach! Keep it up. I obviously taught you well.
San Luis Obispo, CA
Ashlyn White • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Yeah, go Michele! Way to go Idaho!
Tatiana Fontes • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Nice job, Zach. You have an awesome date!
Hoi-Ting Wu • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Haha, that’s a romantic way to ask the girl to NOTS. I know Michele got the poem first and went to the HS office.