With a thought-provoking theme of hypocrites and fools, drama department members hope to challenge their acting genius and entertain the student body through their production of Tartuffe.
The cast will perform the five-act play on Feb. 5, 6, 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. in Ground Zero.* Tickets cost $5 and are available at the door.
Former drama instructor Tom McEntee wanted to provide a more complex project for his students. Because the show, written in the 1600s, adheres to a format of rhyming couplets, McEntee felt satisfied with Moli
Maddie Yee • Aug 18, 2010 at 6:57 am
I always love it when there is a bake sale! My favorite cupcakes are the ones that Alex Barisic makes. They are so soft and delicioious!