The younger more physically fit boys’ varsity basketball team, many in the prime of their high school basketball careers, have yet again proved to be no match the experienced faculty team.
“Every year these hot-shot students claim that they are going to beat us,” student activities director Chris Schultz, said, “and every year us old guys show them who is boss.”
The faculty beat the varsity boys 66-53 in the annual Faculty vs. Varsity Basketball Game on May 17.
“I wanted to see the boys win,” Jennifer Jesser, ’02, said. “I expected the faculty to win though, because the game is somehow rigged. But who can really tell?.”
The composed manor that the faculty strives to maintain during the school day was lost in the heat of competition.
“It was just so hard to compete against the teachers,” Sam Babcock, ’02, said. “Every time I turned around there was a teacher trying to scratch me or push me on the ground. All I wanted to do was play basketball.”
Babcock led the varsity team with 20 points and 12 rebounds.
The staff united to demonstrate their remarkable basketball skills, provoking many students to wonder why they do not give the lowly varsity team a break.
Junior varsity basketball coach Mike Neal had 12 points to lead the faculty. In fact, the only faculty member to not score was history teacher Greg Page whose nine-year, two-point per game streak ended.
“The boys will never?ever win this game,” mathematics teacher Allen Tong, said. “Only in their dreams will they win and we are not about to give them a break so that we can boost their over inflated egos.”
For the past 10 years, the staff and students have challenged each other to a basketball game and the teachers have never lost.
Proceeds from the game go to the Faculty/Staff Scholarship fund, which is awarded to a senior on graduation night, June 6. The game raised over $800 towards the scholarship fund.
“I think that it is really cool that they would give up time to help a good cause,” Michelle Nachtigall, ’04, said. “Especially when it’s going to one of the students.”
In the days and weeks preceding the annual event, tensions rose, as the varsity basketball team was confident that this year was their year to shine but they were left humiliated.
“This year is the last year that we will let them win because we have been going easy on them and this game is getting to the teachers’ heads,” Babcock said. “Next year we will put them in their place.”