For the past three years, seniors Jennifer Jesser and John Wiens have been involved in the campus’ student leadership program. Countless numbers of students value their leadership and dedication, including Christopher Schultz, student leadership director.
“John has great character and is consistent,” Schultz said. “He is always willing to complete any task no matter what it is.”
Wiens joined campus leadership his sophomore year as class representative.
“I enjoy serving our student body,” John Weins, student body president, said. “Serving is in my blood and it has been a good learning experience that will help me later on in life.”
Leadership organizes a majority of campus activities throughout the year.
“As class representative I was in charge of heading up all the main events like Sadie’s and Night of the Stars,” Wiens said. “It’s been fun.”
This year, Wiens cooperated with other student leadership members to plan and organize activities.
“John and Jen have always worked great together,” Schultz said. “Leadership has been essential in their friendship and has allowed their leadership abilities to grow together.”
Friendship is an important part of their growing connection and love for the school.
Leadership is not an easy task and requires the participants to be very unselfish.
“Both of them realize that the more you give the more you get,” Schultz said. “They are two students who understand that you only get to be in high school once and you should try to make the best of it.”
Jesser has been in leadership since her sophomore year and has enjoyed it to the fullest.
“I always had a great time and have grown a lot,” Jesser said. “I have learned so much and will miss leadership.”
Schultz, along with other leadership members have valued Jesser’s devotion and sacrifice.
“Jen is simply the best,” Schultz said. “She has been so involved and gives up so much of her own time and energy to benefit our student body. No one realizes how much she sacrifices to make sure everything goes smoothly.