Dear editor:
I looked forward to finishing out my high school years at Fresno Christian. Between reuniting with old friends and graduating from both my parents’ alma mater, I confidently expected to spend my sophomore, junior and senior years at this school.
Yet God decided to change my ?stable? plans. On March 6, I learned I would move out of the Fresno-Clovis area.
God gave me an enriched last three months. I learned to focus on the positive elements of my surroundings. Seeing my friendships and duties in a more emergent light, I become forced to live on the brink, encouraging my friends and teachers and serving with my spare time.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Fresno Christian. God blessed me through the students and teachers, and I feel privileged to say I became part of this school. But I maintain a belief that we, as a student body, need to reach for higher aspirations.
The grudging apathy for our generation’s own power and ability to change our surroundings startles me. Wading through grades and projects, some of my peers seem to believe they exist simply to get through high school.
I challenge those who feel they bear no weight at Fresno Christian to fill in the places where they see needed change.
If bottles litter the floor, why not throw a few away on the way to the next class? Fold a sweatshirt at the lost-and-found table. At lunch, sit next to the quiet kids that most students typically ignore. If we set Christ as our example, then we need to fix the opportunity of reflecting him as our first priority.
I count attending Fresno Christian High School for my sophomore year an immense blessing. I anticipate using the skill set I learned here for both the rest of my schooling and my life afterward.
I thank the teachers, who decided to sacrifice a higher-paying job so they might teach their beliefs, for their persistence and patience; and the students, for allowing God to move through them.
As I follow the path God set before me, I appreciate the imprint Fresno Christian left on my life through however short a time.
For more letters to the editor, read the the April 27 submission, Feather coverage lands me.