With money stuffed in pockets and a list of what to buy, students rushed to stores such as Macys, Hot Topic and SBI to find their favorite clothing brands on discount for school. Often they pushed and jarred to get first picks on clothes from Hurley, Volcom and Bebe.
Style is a key factor in the social life of most high school students. Some like to wear cute and preppy clothes, while others like punk and skater clothes.
“I like to wear what is in style at the time,” Kim Bimat, ’06, said. “I do not prefer the “punk” style but if other people do, then go for it. I also love to be comfortable.”
Peers are influenced on what to wear by clothing magazines, music groups, and famous stars. People look at the singers in bands as role models and try to dress like them.
“I am influenced by some, but not by any of my friends,” Josh Wright, ’05, said. “When I am dressing crazy, I obviously try to stand out. I wouldn’t say I have my own style because some of my friends wear it, but I do have my own touches.”
However many do not to like shop at brand named stores. They like to wear comfortable clothes from thrift stores that are not expensive.
“I like wearing weird things,” Erica Mclntyre, ’04, said. “I mostly go to thrift stores and find the coolest stuff. I am happy with that, and I don’t really care if people think I am cheap.”
As kids go shopping for clothes, there are some limitations to what they can buy. The campus dress code often will limit what students can wear.
“Our dress code is more lenient than any other public school,” Molly Sargent, dean of women, said. “Public schools are stricter in dress code, but they may not enforce it.”
Even though students have to abide by the dress code, they may not like it.
“In some ways I like the dress code,” Aaron Rios, ’03, said. “I like the dress code because girls can’t wear revealing clothes, which helps keep me focused on school. I hate it because we can’t wear flip flops and guys can’t have facial hair.”
One dress code change has been the revised shoe policy. Students are now allowed to wear backless shoes. Sargent provided a pictorial list of acceptable shoes to ensure a safe environment for school.
For more information on the dress code, students and parents can go to www.fresnochristian.com and click on the high school handbook.