A common complaint among teenage drivers is that adults look down on young drivers and give them less credit than they deserve. Although experience has a lot to do with an individual’s driving abilities, teenagers are not always to blame for careless mistakes behind the wheel.
“The thing that frustrates me is that I was being cautious when I was hit while stopped at a red light,” Megan Gable, ’03, said. “This could happen to anyone and the only way we can avoid accidents is by everyone becoming safer drivers. In today’s society there seem to be so many more accidents and I think many of these could be prevented by having more cops put on duty.”
There has been a significant increase in car accidents among the student body this year. Some students may be to blame for the collision while others claim to be victims of another drivers’ lack of responsibility and safety.
“I never thought I would get in an accident,” Randy Hill, ?04, said. “Of course, it happened and now my car is messed up. What makes me mad is the fact that I’m a male teenage driver and that fact alone makes me look more guilty than the veteran adult.”
The people who devote countless hours to preparing Fresno’s teenagers for the world of driving have clear views concerning safety and how to brave driving the dangerous streets of Fresno.
“It is very important to be safe and keep your eyes constantly moving while driving,” Michael Alberts, a driving instructor from Drive America, said. “Always pay attention to your surroundings and watch out for the cars around you, and life will be good.”
According to Dave Fries of the Fresno County Police Department, speeding is a huge issue for the majority of Fresno’s drivers. It is also the most common reason teenagers receive tickets.
“Aside from not speeding, it is important to be a defensive driver and always have the mindset that the other car won’t stop,” Fries said. “Don’t drive with the stereo blasting because this is a distraction and makes it hard to hear important noises like screeching brakes or police sirens.”
According to www.driving.com, it is important to obey the speed limits because speeding gives drivers less time to stop or react to the situation at hand.
“When you are driving, your number one priority should be the road and nothing else,” Christopher Haydock, ’03, said. “Drivers should realize that not paying attention while driving endangers not only yourself but also those around you.”
Statistics from www.car-accidents.com show that there was approximately 6,356,000 car accidents and 41,821 people killed in 2000.
While driving can be a daunting task, Fries feels all drivers should contribute to making Fresno streets safer, both for teens and adults alike.