A mosh pit organized, heads banged and adoring fans cheered as Blyster materialized on stage on Nov. 8. Blyster, composed of guitarist Jordan Griffin, ’04, bassist Clinton Jeffries, ’04 and drummer Rusty Tucker, ’04, rocked on the Ground Zero stage after six months of practice.
When the members became friends six years ago, they had already developed an interest in music. Griffin had been involved in band for four years playing the tenor saxophone, Jeffries listened faithfully to his favorite bands Sevendust and Stereomud, while Tucker grew up watching his brother Jeff play drums. As they grew older together they slowly began to play their separate instruments, with the intent of eventually forming a band.
“We’ve been friends for a long time,” Griffin said, “and we’ve all played for over three years. We just decided to try playing together one day and really liked it. So here we are.”
Blyster, who recently performed their first concert in front of the student body for Fifth Quarter on Nov. 8, have already gathered many fans around campus. Jesse Madsen, ’03, has repeatedly asked Blyster to remember him when they are famous.
“The first time I heard them play I loved it,” Madsen said. “Their style of music is so unique and it can appeal to fans of more than just hardcore. Come and see them at their next show!”
Blyster is currently petitioning Kuppa Joe and Starline searching for their next “gig.” For concert information contact Griffin.
Until their next show, Blyster continues to practice in Griffin’s garage to perfect their music. Decorated with retired street signs and stop lights, Griffin’s garage serves as Blyster’s main practice location. Since the band has been together, the garage has been transformed into a fully functional stage equipped with a PA system along with colorful lighting.
“We got to customize the garage so it’s our own little room,” Jeffries said. “We got to totally do whatever we wanted with it. Jordan’s parents let us paint and completely remodel it to fit our purposes and musical desires.”
The band member’s parents however have contributed much more to the band than space in the garage.
“My parents have supported me ever since I began playing drums three years ago,” Tucker said. “They’ve encouraged me to keep playing and eventually to get involved in a band with my friends.”
Jim and Giselle Griffin say they are extremely happy to contribute to the band so that they can achieve their goal.
“It was the band’s idea to remodel the garage and we assented,” Giselle said. “Although their music really is beyond our era, we’re happy that the guys can have a place of their own to play whenever they want.”
Blyster plans on producing a demo album via computer recording and are currently working on a performance calendar for 2003.