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The cross country season has started up again with its first meet, the Firebaugh Invitational, Sept. 20. The team has eight members, three of which are returning, Tyler Laird, ’14, Daniel Moore, ’14, and Zed Fries, ’12.
There were two courses for the runners, a two mile one for the junior varstiy and a three mile loop for varsity. Leading the JV boys was freshman Jordan Castro, coming in 22nd place out of 78, with a time of 13:02.
“I heard that a bunch of people were a lot faster than me and had been training all summer long and to get in the top third was amazing,” said Castro.
Following in that same race was Tyler Laird, ’14, with a time of 13:20, Nick Fontes, ’15, 14:38, Jon Agao, ’14, 14:55, and Ryan King, ’15, with 18:15. Daniel Moore, ’14, was unable to run the race due to a broken arm.
Sophomore Aliciana Quintana headed up the girls JV team, placing 18th with an overall time of 18:30. Running alone for the varsity boys race was Zed Fries, ’12, who came in with a solid time of 22:23.
“I am very proud of all our runners considering how much of a late start we had,” said returning coach Ross Laird about his teams performance.
The teams next meet will be the Golden Eagle invitational at Woodward park, Sept. 23.