Every year, some students venture out of their comfort zone by leaving their home to experience the thrill of living in a new country. While abroad, the individual is able to experience a different culture through schooling and other activities.
This year, junior Lynn Kim decided to leave Korea in order to come to America, specifically Fresno, CA. In order to learn more about her, I met with Kim and asked her a few questions about her time in America.
Grossman: Why did you decide to come to the U.S.?
Kim: I wanted to experience a lot of different things here. I want to find my dream and achieve it. After I finish college, I want to get a job in Korea as maybe a business woman, a translator or a teacher. Although, I might want to come back to America sometime.
Grossman: How is Fresno different from your hometown?
Kim: There are a lot of tall buildings there, but here there aren’t really any. Also, the weather is way different. Evidently there are four seasons. I prefer my home town because I like snow and being in a big city. I like Fresno because there’s more nature than in my hometown.
Grossman: Why did you choose FC out of all the schools?
Kim: Some of my Korean friends went here and they told me that all the people are friendly and nice. Fresno Christian is everything I thought it would be; I really do like it.
Grossman: What is your favorite thing about FC?
Kim: Probably marching band and soccer. Home Economics is fun too because we get to bake. I love doing these things because it’s a fresh experience.
Grossman: What is the hardest thing about school here?
Kim: English class is the hardest because I can understand English, but I have trouble reading it fluently. Speaking English is getting easier, but writing and reading is still a difficult task. Hopefully it will just take a little time to get easier to me.
Grossman: How is the U.S. different from Korea?
Kim: A lot of things, but mostly the language and all the people. America is a lot bigger! I think I prefer America because it has many huge places to go to, and I love traveling!
Grossman: Did you come here by yourself or did you come with a group?
Kim: I came alone. I know that all foreign exchange students cry when they leave [their country] at the airport, but I did not; I was even excited!
Grossman: What is your favorite kind of food here?
Kim: Chipotle! It’s really good! Especially the steak burrito.
Grossman: How long are you planning to stay in the U.S.?
Kim: Probably until college I guess, or I might go to Korea when I am a sophomore in college and come back as a junior.
Grossman: What would you like to do with your life?
Kim: I need to experience more things and study more so that I can find out exactly what I would like to do. But when I find something I want to do, I will complete it despite any struggles that it brings.
For more features, read the Dec. 14 article, Hill refines ability, discovers enjoyment through choir.