Through the request and planning of Vice Principal Jon Endicott, students visiting the FC website will now have the added feature of online college counseling. Whether students are hoping to apply to colleges or find scholarship information, Endicott has provided an ongoing resource available to students.
From Fresno Christian’s homepage at, one needs only to mouse over the “About FCS” link and click on the “Counseling” link.
To start the process of getting the site built, Endicott met with technology director David Martens about four weeks prior to the site’s creation.
“My hope is that we would be able to update the site to include all of the necessary information students need for college application,” Endicott said. “The key is keeping students clued-in with everything they need.”
For example next year’s Cal-Grant information is listed to help students determine whether they are eligible for up to $10,000 per year from the state of California. The income and asset ceilings are listed on the web site.
Martens gave web design student Douglas DenHartog the task of set up the site.
Included on it are information on SAT’s, financial aid, essay tips, and more. The site is still in its beginning stages but will be updated on a gradual basis.