For the past two years, FC has lacked a girls tennis team; this year proved no different. Though Coach Lanse Wood from Sierra Raquet Club was hired and attempted to gather enough girls to compete, only three showed dedicated interest.
Hoping to receive new members, the girls practiced and even scrimmaged for a couple of weeks but ultimately failed to recruit the required number of six players.
Jessica Healy, ’13, was relieved to officially conclude the sport instead of continuing practices and scrimmages with so few members.
“I would’ve liked to have a tennis team,” Healy said. “It was already falling apart before we even started and I’m kind of disappointed we didn’t have a team but I’m glad we ended it instead of limping along.”
However, Wood is not discouraged as he believes everything happens for a reason and Jesus uses everything for good.
“But I am already working to recruit and build the tennis team for next year in position and stature,” Wood said. “I think we can be really good in a couple of years and things don’t happen over night. This way when the season starts next year we will already have a team dialed in.”
Coach Wood is planning on distributing flyers to promote next year in the weeks to come. Those wishing to contact him can do so by calling 559.287.8862.
For more information on a prior tennis season visit, Player practice tennis skills or Boys’ tennis sport shorts, 2010.