One thing we?ve noticed about teenagers and Fresno is that they don?t mix very well. We tend not to really like Fresno because there?s ?nothing to do.?
However, we argue that it has potential. It?s a myth that has been passed down to our generation of Fresnans, and we would like to bust the idea of a valueless city right at our fingertips.
Every teenagers? weekend plans consist of heading off with a group of friends to a little place we like to call River Park. It?s the typical movie and a bowl of frozen yogurt from Yogurtland, and although we enjoy River Park?s shops and eateries, it?s the same ?ol thing over and over, and nothing ever changes besides the movie or yogurt flavor.
What else is in Fresno? Does anyone even know what?s past Blackstone and Alluvial? What about Clovis, or, heaven forbid, the Tower District? Our mission: To find out.
In this series, we?re going to go past our comfort zone and delve into the history of Fresno. What did kids do before River Park was built? There must be something. Although it?s going to be hard, we?re going to face our fear of exploring places outside of our ?norm,? and learn to love our hometown.
And if we ever come out alive, we?ll know the secret behind Fresno?s success in being such a big, yet seemingly pointless city. In this segment, we will determine the best burger in Fresno.
Seniors Julianne King and Brooke Stobbe as FC’s own Fresno Mythbusters, set out to prove in this bi-weekly Vlog that there is more to do for teenagers besides hanging out at River Park in Fresno.
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