With the Night of the Stars (NOTS) evening days away, the four classes scramble to finish editing their films. In this video, junior Feather videographer Juan Ruelas interviews each set of filmmakers to determine how they felt about their NOTS experience both in and out of the editing room, Feb. 16, 2012.
The senior film was led by David Casuga who would rather direct a film than edit; Rachel Quiring and Matt Adams both like organizing the pieces of the junior movie scenes to one cohesive piece of film; sophomore editors Tynin Fries and Bobby Christopher used Skype to edit their movie in between homework assignments; and first year filmmakers Jennifer Smith and Chris Grossman were undaunted and unafraid to create their first class movie.
While these seven individuals helped direct and create their class film, a host of others worked behind the scenes to recreate a Hollywood movie worthy of Academy Award-like honors at the end of the evening.
The 18th annual NOTS took place at The Grand 1401 in downtown Fresno, Feb. 18. Over 160 students attended the winter formal on the 10th floor of the refurbished skyscraper. The four completed movies will be given away to those who ordered them at the event. Please contact campus student leadership adviser Robert Foshee for more information.
For more information about NOTS, read the Feb. 21 article, NOTS attracts students to ‘A Night in Paris’ (VIDEO).