Tossing flags in the air and practicing routine after routine, the campus winterguard team hopes to be the best in their competitions. The campus team will compete on Feb. 21 at Clovis East and last year placed 9th out of 13 schools.
“In our most recent competition we received ninth out of 13 and last year we got third and fourth place finishes,” Carolyn Simpson, ’03, said. “We actually got first place these last two marching seasons, which hasn’t happened in years.”
In past competitions the winter guard team has struggled through many injuries and team issues.
“Obstacles that we go through are: bruises, bumps, injured wrists, a few fights, and trying to be the best,” Amanda Quist, ’03, said. “Most of our team has gotten every kind of injury and mostly every body part has been hurt.”
The team may not get everything when they first are taught but through times and practice they become the best they can be.
“People think colorguard is easy, but it isn’t it takes talent and skill,” Rachel Jacobsen, ’04, said. “You also have to be in shape. It is just like a sport we have practice and competition.”
Often siblings have been influences on their younger brother or sister. Lisa Stallings is the captain of the color guard team and is Crystal Stallings ’04 older sister. Lisa has influenced her sister to join colorguard.
“Colorguard has always been apart of my life because of my sister, “Crystal Stallings said. ” She is the one that made me interested in it, so I have been doing it for five years.”
If you would like to see the winter colorguard team in action they will be traveling to Clovis High on Mar. seventh and Clovis West on Mar. 28th.