My favorite part of homecoming week was pajama day. It is the only day you are able to come to school in your pajamas. And who doesn’t love pajama day? Many students wore onesie pajamas which all looked fantastic! This year’s theme was superhero; throughout the week students wore superhero themed attire.
For about a month the classes had gotten together and started to build their float. The freshman class did not use the whole month, but we used the last two weeks. Even though we rushed, I feel my class worked together very well to get it done. The hardest part of the process was getting everyone to show up to help.
During the week we had our nominee pageants. The Princess Pageant was good, but I hope next year will be a bit more exciting. The princesses all got together on stage and did certain activities. The girls I was with had to paint a self portrait blindfolded, mine was defiantly surprising to see. The eyes were nowhere close to where they were suppose to be.
The Queen Pageant on the other hand was outstanding. The queens looked rather lovely and the kings were great guests in the pageant. The queens had to dress up their kings with thrift store clothes. They were great ways to show their own personal style.
Now, the King Dance, it was a great experience and by far the best of the three. The boys did a great time with putting the show together. We discovered a side of the senior kings some of us have never seen before.
On the first day of homecoming week the kings came through the hallway with a surprise. Everyone was in their first period class and still waking up. Outside there was a noise of the theme song of each superhero the kings were dressed up as. Running down the hallway came the super kings!
That was a wonderful surprise, some students did not get to see that surprise. There were many more exciting things to see throughout the week.
As people pulled up to the game on Friday night there was an beautiful showing of dresses. Every girl was absolutely stunning. Full of nervousness and excitement, the girls all hopped onto the golf carts and rode to the sidelines of the game.
I was the freshman princess of the year. It was a great experience to handle. I did not expect to win, the other princesses did a wonderful job. We were all so happy to be apart of the homecoming court.
Being a freshman, I have never seen any of the pageants; I really enjoyed watching and participating in them. I cannot wait to see who the new nominees are, the new theme, the floats and all the excitement of next years homecoming week.
This writer can be reached via twitter at: @sbbelmont98, Email: [email protected].
For more information on homecoming, read the Oct. 28 article, Epitome of school spirit celebrated at homecoming game.