[media-credit name=”FC file photo” align=”alignright” width=”300″][/media-credit]Dear FCS community:
As many of you already know, one of our very-involved music students and a FCS lifer, junior Andrew Guthrie, lost his mother very suddenly last Friday. Many of you have asked how you can help.
Their church, Northeast Assembly of God, is coordinating meals and this would be a very practical way to show our love and care for the Guthrie family.
The meals are being coordinated through the Takethemameal.com website. Here’s what you do to help the family:
Log on to takethemameal.com
Family name is Guthrie
Password is Nancy
Better yet, here’s a direct link to their meal schedule: takethemameal.com From there, a schedule will come up & you’ll see which dates are available. Their address and a map are also available if you need them.
Thanks so much for your care and concern for Andrew and his family. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Kim Schapansky,
Music Department Accompanist
This letter also appeared in the Feb. 4 article, Tragic losses affect campus family (UPDATE).
For more opinions, read the Feb. 4 article Senior pursues alternate route after graduation.