A teacher can be much more than someone who lectures in class and passes out homework. He can be a person who invests in the lives of young people and helps in their development. This goes beyond the classroom and normal teacher/student relationships. For one teacher on campus, this has been a mission and commitment.
Christopher Schultz, affectionately known as coach by the students, has been the student leadership adviser, multimedia director, assistant football coach and head basketball coach for the past seven years. Those responsibilities have provided him with many wonderful experiences.
During his tenure on campus as teacher and coach, many students feel as if Schultz was not only an adviser, but a friend who was willing to take chances and adventures with them.
“So many of my favorite memories as a teacher have come from the road trips,” Schultz said. “From the student leadership retreats to the basketball tournaments to the senior trips, those memories of being with the students and watching them enjoy themselves and grow have been rewarding”.
But the winds of change are in store for Schultz and his family. Schultz will be taking an assistant basketball-coaching job at Westmont College in Santa Barbara and working on his masters of arts in Christian leadership at Fuller Seminary. While Schultz has wanted to make this decision to move on for years, he worked through the process with his wife, Jennifer.
“I went through this year thinking that if the job’s open, as long as I have enough time to prepare, I am going to take it,” Schultz said. “I would never make a decision to boost my own ego. If Jen wasn’t supportive of me I wouldn’t have made this decision. We have spent time thinking about it and feel as a family this would be a good move for us.”
Family friends, co-workers, students and immediate family members are at peace and excited for Schultz.
“I’m thrilled for him because it is a great opportunity,” Scott Falk, campus pastor, said. “I go to him for advice and counsel. I am really lucky because I have a friend at work. I start and finish my day by talking to him.”
During Schultz’ time at Fresno Christian, he was responsible for the creating and developing the school’s first ever video production course, a Christmas basketball tournament and a summer sports camp, to name a few.
“I have spent four years of my life with coach Schultz, three of those playing basketball for him and two as a student in his classes,” Jon Steele, ’03, said. “In both of these aspects, he has influenced my life with his advice and daily Christ-like example. I consider him a best friend, coach, teacher, and a mentor; I greatly appreciate all he has done for me.”
Schultz’ talents will be truly missed on campus and hard to replace but many understand and support his decision to advance in his career.
“We are sad from a school stand point,” Gary Schultz, high school principal and father, said. “He does a lot for video productions, leadership and coaching. It makes him difficult to replace. He needs to work on his master’s degree and see if he wants to work at a college level. Our happiness is for his success to do what he wants to do.”
“Coach does so much for FC,” Carli Albrechtson, ’03, student body president, said. “His work and passion for so many different areas on campus will be missed and irreplaceable. I am excited for him because he will have many new and exciting opportunities.”
Many students understand the impact Schultz has on this campus and agree that he will be truly missed.
“I think it will be a big blow to this school because coach does a lot for the students and the sports programs,” Brandon Cain, ’05, said. “I am excited for him because he will be able to go places and experience new things.”
“All I know is after him gone there is going to have to be somebody who fills pretty big shoes,” Adam Leslie, ’04, said. “He has always headed up Night of the Stars; it will be weird with out him next year. I am sad and happy at the same time. He will be missed by many because he affects so many daily.”
While Schultz is sad to leave FC after so many years, he is excited about his future in Santa Barbara.
“I have seen God work amazingly on this campus. I want to go see Him work in other places,” Schultz said.
The Fresno Christian family wishes Schultz luck in the future and their prayers will be with him and his family.