UC Davis, Biola, Fresno State, Fresno City?so many choices, so little time! These thoughts may run through the minds of many seniors trying to choose what path to take after departing from high school.
As the school year draws to a close, seniors prepare for life as graduates. Some have had their college plans thought out since freshman year while others are still trying to decide where next year will lead them.
In response to a poll, 45% of seniors who responded said they will be attending a city college while only 25% decided on a state college or university located in California. In all, 44 of the 74 seniors responded.
On the other hand, 23% of students plan on going to a private Christian college and the other 7% have other plans for their future.
Attending a city college for two years is a popular choice for many because it allows them to get their general education classes out of the way before transferring to another college or university to study their major.
“I decided to go to Fresno City because it is cheap and local,” Sam Westra, ’03, said. “I will get my general education out of the way and then transfer to a bigger school like Vanguard where I can pursue my career.”
The majority of this year’s graduating class has decided to stay in California and pursue an education a little closer to home. This also provides many comforts and saves students money that would otherwise be spent on boarding costs.
“I am going to Fresno State but that wasn’t my first choice,” Kari Maddox, ’03, said. “I decided if I stayed at home I would have a more rounded life with college, church, and a job instead of being confined on a college campus. Although boarding at a school may be what God wants for some people, I don’t think that is what he has in mind for me.”
Although continuing onto college is a common choice for graduating seniors, some prefer time away to decide on future plans. Whether going to school or taking some time off, this next year will be a chance to experience career opportunities and life beyond the walls of high school.
“My plans for next year are to go to Hawaii with YWAM, Youth with a Mission,” Josh Risch, ’03, said. “This will give me some time to figure out what to do for my future and allow my to grow closer to the Lord. After my mission trip I am hoping to play soccer at Fresno City.”
While attending college many students spend their extra time working jobs to receive some extra money. This proves as a time to get a head start on job experience and common choice for high school graduates.
“I need to get a job because I have many bills to pay,” Nathan Yockey, ’03, said. “I will probably be attending Fresno City next year so I will have to work on the side. My Irish friend and I plan on working at McDonalds, the most prestigious restaurant in Fresno.”
Yockey and others planning on getting a job say college will prove a challenge, especially while putting extra time into a job. Although this may be tough at times students say it is well worth the freedom that comes along with the college experience.
Now it is time to say good-bye to the seniors as they go their separate ways. High school has left them with four years of memories to be taken with them as they embark on this new stage of life.