Campus cheerleaders jumped up and down and screamed, “FC is number one!” as they received a first place trophy, at the Christian Cheerleaders of America (CCA) camp in Atwater. Also, Teryn Pruett, ’05, was awarded overall top cheerleader on the squad during the Aug. 4-6 competition.
“I feel honored to have won this award,” Pruett said. “We did very well as a team and I am proud to be a part of the FC cheer squad.”
Cheerleaders learned new stunts and better leadership skills while at camp.
“This camp allowed the varsity team to work on new routines, longer cheers and stunts,” Eunie McEntee, cheer coach, said. “We also began focusing on building up new leadership.”
Demanding workouts brought on better accomplishments and emphasized teamwork.
“We were challenged to participate in more complicated routines and new stunts,” Melodie McColm, ’04, said. “We worked harder than I have ever seen us work before.”
“Everything for Him,” the theme for this year’s CCA camp, brought more spirit and encouragement to the crowd according to McEntee. This God-centered focus was key to the squad’s success.
“I liked that after a hard days work we had some down time to have team devotionals and be able to grow in Christ,” Kristin Dunne, ’04, said.
Practices ran late as pressure increased for the first performance of the year during the football game against Immanuel at Grizzlies Stadium.
“Our practices got stricter,” Melissa Bump, ’05, said. “We couldn’t miss more than three practices or we got kicked off the squad. We also can’t be late. I think these new rules were good because they pressured us into being more self disciplined and ready for the big game against Immanuel.”
For more information on cheerleaders, parents and students can contact McEntee at
299-1695, ext.132.