In response to “COLUMN: Why every student should go to NOTS:”
Dear Editor,
I want to start off by acknowledging the awesomeness of Grossman’s article! It was well written and engaging! Keep up the wonderful work.
Night of the Stars is entertaining; I’ve gone twice. As you’ve made known in your piece, students should consider attending the formal. Our opinions may differ a bit, though, because I believe going only once may be totally sufficient.
Let me explain.
Some people, myself included, are not super interested in social school events. It’s not a defect; it’s not a horribly debilitating illness. It’s a personality thing. In loud and crowded social situations, I often feel a listless pensiveness. In the eye of the tornado, my head becomes foggy in a strangely clear way. Perhaps most people don’t undergo this reaction, but it’s probably safe to say that not everyone absolutely loves large social gatherings.
So, why is there a push to be different? Trying new things is important, of course, but it’s maybe equally valuable to know oneself. N.O.T.S. is wonderful, but significance is exaggerated. A Fresno Christian student’s life doesn’t hinge on going to N.O.T.S. or not.
High school seems to prefer a particular student: gregarious, involved, and extroverted. But, not everyone fits into this category. I used to feel lost-as if I had to be someone else. Everyone is unique, and no one truly fits inside a box.
I don’t disagree that going to N.O.T.S. should be encouraged. But, too much ‘should-ing’ has the potential to stir anxiety and self-doubt. Just make sure we are respecting unique characteristics of the attendees.
Great article! It was fun to read!
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For more Letters, read the Feb. 23 article, LETTER: Be God’s hands and feet.