As seniors look ahead to graduating at the end of the year, many seniors as well as juniors are now concentrating on finding a college or university to attend. To make the search for a college simpler, many California schools are to be highlighted on campus in the fall.
“Having schools visit gives our students the chance to gain exposure to colleges that they may know little about,” Jon Endicott, vice principal, said.
Local schools such as California State University, Fresno and Fresno Pacific University will be featured with Biola University, Pepperdine University, Westmont College, California Baptist University and others. Recruiters from the University of California [UC] system will showcase the different schools. Dates and times of the presentations will be in the announcements.
“Being a senior and trying to find a college can be overwhelming,” John Stevenson, ’04, said. “Visiting the presentations helps alleviate a bit of the stress.”
Each of the representatives from the visiting schools will explain how their school works and why their school is unique. Yet Endicott says to get the full view of a school, students must to go visit the college themselves.
“Don’t let the campus visitations keep you [the student] from visiting the college campuses,” Endicott said. “Going and visiting college is one of the most important steps in figuring out where you want to go.”
Juniors and seniors had the opportunity to hear college representatives during the second and third week of September. For a listing of upcoming schools and dates, go to the senior briefs section at the bottom of the news briefs column in this online paper.
Many west coast Christian colleges will be presented at 6 p.m. on Sept. 29 in Ground Zero. College officials will be on hand to answer questions.