For some, teaching is an anticipated and satisfying career. For others, teaching is a dreaded task that ends every day at three. A primary difference between these two kinds of experiences is patience. Teaching success is rooted in patience and genuine care for the advancement of young people.
Teachers hold a vital position in our society. The education of young people greatly contributes to the overall success of our nation. It is for this reason that teachers deserve our respect, courtesy and appreciation.
While there are the occasional exceptions, most teachers become involved in our education system because of their love for children. This love drives teachers to identify with students and transform their tedious, required education into a life-enriching learning experience.
The signs of a good teacher are obvious. Befriending students is a significant aspect of a successful teaching encounter. When teachers go out of their way to interact with students and demonstrate their care outside the classroom, students are more likely to respond with an increased desire to learn.
It is the student’s decision to learn; it is the teacher’s decision to become involved in the life of students, affecting them in a positive way. If either party fails hold up their end of the bargain, success is limited.
Students’ lives are dramatically affected by their interaction with teachers. Futures are changed, personalities are molded and goals are set, all because of teachers’ roles in our education.
In a Fresno Bee opinion article “Many mentors found in front of the classroom,” [Harvey Mackay, Sept. 7, 2003] Mackay describes his gratitude to his teachers for the long-lasting affect they had on his business career. The appreciation Mackay feels towards his advisers, years later, is rarely seen among students today.
Teachers have devoted their lives to understanding and relating to students. Likewise, shouldn’t we as students devote the four short years spent in high school to making their effort worth the while?