A C-130 rolls down the strip, ordered on a top-secret mission: destination unknown. The military personnel on board can’t be sure if they will ever come home. Their life duty and vow is to serve and protect the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Our nation’s veterans fulfilled this vow and, on Nov. 11, were honored for their valor and lifelong duty.
Almost all male United States citizens and all non-citizens living within the United States who are 18 through 25 years of age must register with the Selective Service. The U.S. government created the Selective Service to monitor and conduct the process of a future draft, if needed.
“I registered for the draft, mainly because I had to,” Jordan Griffin, ’04, said. “I really don’t want to go into the service, but I felt obligated to do it.”
Fathers, brothers, sons, mothers, sisters and daughters assist in the defense of this country. Assistant varsity football coach Louie Razo served in the United States Naval Special Forces unit, known as U.S. Navy SEALS.
While Razo [Isaac Razo’s, ’04, father] was never deployed in a combat scenario during his three years as a noncommissioned officer within the SEALS program, he is proud of the service.
“Veterans Day is a day to remind individuals on the personal sacrifices people took to serve country and it’s a day to reflect,” Razo said. “No matter if it’s peace or war everybody wearing a uniform deserves recognition for their lifelong commitment.”
Many individuals from this campus plan on serving in various armed forces after graduation. Alumni David Pohl, ’03, joined the Air Force and participates within the Reserve Officers Training Corps as a freshman cadet at California State University, Fresno.
Pohl hopes to be commissioned in the maintenance squadron through his declared mechanical engineering major.
“At the Air Force ROTC, we take Veterans and Memorial Day very seriously,” Pohl said. “Located at the front of our meeting place is a rock. We salute it because the rock symbolizes all the prisoners of war and those missing in action that gave their lives for our freedom.”
While some students pursue a career in the military, not all agree to its current purposes.
“I really don’t like Veterans Day,” Bonnie Hansen, ’07, said. “I disagree with our country when we are invading others.”
Some embark on a military journey within their high school career. Matthew Doyle, ’06, takes part in the United States Sea Cadet Corps, Fresno Division. Doyle marched in the Veterans Day parade in Downtown Fresno, carrying the USNSCC flag, on Nov. 11.
“I feel very honored to march in this parade,” Doyle said. “We’re also going to specially honor those veterans that fought in the Korean War; this will take on personal meaning for me because my grandfather served during the entire war.”
For more information on the Selective Service, the U.S. Army or U.S. Navy, visit www.sss.gov, www.goarmy.com and www.navalreserve.com.